Interactive multimedia installation
with Laura Vavassori
Synchrony, CERebrum, LOGos is an interactive and multimodal installation designed to explore the intricate processes involved in language comprehension. The work reflects the complexity of the brain’s cognitive functions and their interconnection, illustrating how different regions and pathways within the brain collaborate to support language.
While various cognitive abilities rely on distinct anatomical regions, no area functions in isolation. The human brain’s vast array of cognitive functions arises from the dynamic communication between cortical regions via white matter bundles. Language processing, in particular, depends on the coordinated interaction of several key pathways, including the arcuate fasciculus (red), the superior longitudinal fasciculus (green), and the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (blue). Disruption to even one of these connections can render communication ineffective.
The installation invites the user to engage with a model that alters the acoustic environment, guiding the exploration of these neural networks. As the user manipulates the model, they uncover the structural pathways that enable language, gradually revealing the full meaning of the work. In this way, Synchrony, CERebrum, LOGos underscores the interconnectedness of cognitive processes and the educational value of science, encouraging a deeper understanding of how our minds make sense of the world.
Spazio Off Trento | w/ Margherita Cannone | 2022 | video by Giulia Lenzi